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Saturday, 30 January 2010

United 93

This film is so real it is actually scary. It's got quite a slow start, but when you see the end you will completely forget about the beginning. The beginning is necessary to introduce the characters and situation and for you to build an emotional connection with what's going on. I cried for the last 10 minutes of the film and for like 20 minutes after it had finished. Not because it's sad, but because it's horrific. You feel like you are on the plane, which insights fear into you. But it's not the type of fear that comes with horror films. This is genuine fear, the type I imagine you would feel when you're life is about to be taken from you. This is the most real film I have ever seen and it has left the greatest impact on me. It's almost traumatic, which is why you must watch it. Because you have to witness what these passengers did. That they fought back against the 9/11 hijackers. The passengers of the plane are some of the most heroic people I know of. Rest In Peace.

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