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Saturday, 23 January 2010

Caprica [Pilot] (Soundtrack)

Something I find with all Bear McCreary soundtracks is that they're growers. On first listen they're great, but on repeat listening's they just get better and better.

This soundtrack contains the score for the pilot episode of Caprica which since the pilot has been made has picked up for a full season. However, I think the pilot has only just aired in the US, and will be followed by the rest of the season, so hopefully we'll get another soundtrack release for season 1 of Caprica, as the pilot soundtrack is very good.

It is different to Bear's score to Battlestar Galactica, but apparently the shows are very different so it makes sense to change the music. The music to Caprica is much more orchestral and pretty sure it doesn't contain that many enthic instruments. There are still a few percussion heavy tracks, which made for a welcome change among the orchestral tracks, and certainly remind one of the music for Battlestar Galactica.

With new characters there are plenty of new themes throughout. If I recall correctly there are two main themes, one for each family and then lots of other less dominant themes. And if you listen closely to one of the tracks you can hear a little tribute to one of the themes in Battlestar Galactica, something I thought was very clever.

If you've seen the pilot then you might find this interesting: Bear McCreary's Blog. He goes through the episode and details all the themes and much more. Although having not seen the episode I've only browsed through it.

If you've like any of Bear's other soundtracks, particularly Battlestar Galactica, then you simply must buy this one. And if you're a fan of the older generation of film music then I'd recommend it too. Although that's not to discourage those that are fans of more modern film music, as this blends the old style beautifully and makes it more modern.

And on a quick side note I'm going to be going back to just my Saturdays posts for a while, as I've a pretty hectic schedule at the moment.

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