The concept of this film is quite strange. A couple are given a box with a red button in it. If they push the red button then they will get a million dollars, however, someone in the world that they don't know will die.
I wondered whether or not the film would say the reason behind the box, and thankfully it did. However, the film got very, very strange. It reminded me of the film Knowing and to be honest because I'd seen it I was able to partly guess the reason behind the box about half way through. But it just went even stranger as it progressed.
When I say it went strange, I don't mean that it got majorly confusing (although it did a little), I just mean that it got quite freaky, and a little scary.
The film definitely has its bad moments though, as the beginning starts out a bit rubbish, but it progresses to become quite good, and really kind of enters the horror genre, but without the moments that make you jump, and without the gore. Because of this, as horror movies go I thought it was really good. It got more real as it went on and it wasn't just a quick scare and then move on, it held that fear and as the film went on, the fear just got more intense.
If you like horrors then I would give this a try. If you don't then give it a miss, because its quite freaky.
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