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Saturday, 16 May 2009

Doctor Who [Series 4] (Soundtrack)

I found this soundtrack to be much more fun and exciting than the previous two Doctor Who soundtracks from Murray Gold, as it contains a lot more quirkier cues.

The soundtrack starts of with a slightly revambed Doctor Who theme, although I must admit I prefer the orchestration used for series 1, 2 and 3.

It then jumps straight in with the fun stuff and a cue called "A Noble Girl About Town". The rest of the quirky stuff is scattered throughout, as is the more emotional stuff which the soundtrack isn't without, "Turn Left" is probably my favourite.

Whilst I don't think this soundtrack has as many outstanding cues, like "Doomsday" from the series 1 and 2 soundtrack, it does fair better overall. Definitely worth buying if you've already got the others or if your a fan of Murray Gold.

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