This has to be what I think is one of the most original sounding soundtracks there is. I don't think I've ever heard Traditional French / Trip-Hop / typewriter, straw sucking, swords, bullet, horns and ruler bending sounds blended together before, and it is done amazingly.
If you've seen the film then I don't really need to sell you on the soundtrack because you'll have heard it in the film and from that you will know if you want to buy it.
If you liked Yann Tiersen's music from the Amelie Soundtrack then you'll most likely love this too. It's even quirkier then Amelie and just sounds like pure fun.
The music I'm talking about is by composer Raphael Beau, someone I'd not heard of before, but am very interested in hearing more from. But the soundtrack also contains archived score composed by Max Steiner, but there are about twice as many original cues to archived cues. There are also a couple of French songs on the soundtrack, but I didn't find these anything special.
Unfortunately the soundtrack is only 36 minutes long. However, they are still worth the money to hear something so original and amazingly clever and fun.