Lets get the bad out the way. There were only three things in this film that I didn't like. The first was when Max Payne was fighting this guy and when ever the guy hit Max Payne the screen flashed red. Even though I haven't played the games, I can guess that this is a game reference, because in a lot of games the screen does flash red when the character that you play loses health. The second was a shot that was simply held on screen for too long, and the third was another shot. It was one of those shots where the character moves either from A to B or round in a circle and the character remains in the same place on the screen (usually framed in a mid shot) whilst the background moves. There is a special name for this type of shot, but unfortunately I can't remember it. Anyway it usually involves the actor wearing a special device under their clothes to hold the camera, or the actor just simply has to hold a pole in front of them with the camera on the end. I'm not usually a fan of these shots but in this film it did actually work quite well. The only bad thing about it was that it looked as though Mark Wahlberg was actually holding the pole that the camera was on.
However, these three things are just if I am being picky. Otherwise I couldn't fault the film. I loved it in every way. It had a great story and a great look to it. The cinematography, visual effects and use of colour were particularly good, and they gave the film what I thought to be a slight film noir feel to it.
And before I deconstruct the film any more, all I'm going to say is that I loved this film.