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Sunday, 27 April 2008


Heroes has finally returned. After a trully amazing Season 1, Season 2 looks to be just as exciting, if not more.

Every episode from Season 1 was amazing, except the last one which was still good but slightly disappointing, given how they bigged it up throughout the rest of the season. But Season 2 seems to jump straight back in and after watching the first episode I was again on the edge of my seat jumping up and down with excitement due to the amazing cliff hanger at the end.

Just in this first episode we have already been introduced to two new characters, Maya and Alejander, although it looks as though it is only Maya who has the powers. However, we aren't sure yet exactly what her powers are. I wouldn't say they are particularly good powers though since she seems to have just killed a load of people by accident. How? We don't yet know.

So it looks as though Season 2 is going to kick some more ass, and I'd have to say that it is currenlty one of the best shows on television. Unfortunatly though due to the writers strike Season 2 was cut short and there are only 11 episodes. Could this mean it's going to be a repeat of the Season 1 finally or is it quality not quantity? I can't wait to find out.

Saturday, 19 April 2008

Jumper Soundtrack

This is John Powell's third score for director Doug Liman. I wouldn't say this is Powell's best score as on first listen I didn't really think there were any partucular cues that stood out, but I think this album grows on you.

The cue that really sums up the whole soundtrack is 'Bridges, Rules, Banking' as it contains most of the major themes and sounds. Although it's definitly not the best cue since it doesn't explore the themes as well as some of the other cues such as 'It's Sayonara' which contains the best arrangement of the eastern sounding theme (note: it only sounds eastern because of the instrument it is primarily played on).

Other great cues include, 'Jump Off' which is the better arrangement of the theme also played in the cue 'My Day So Far'.

However, even after listening through the soundtrack several times, I still can't really pick any cues that jump out (excuse the pun). Nevertheless, the soundtrack does have a good overall sound as I have enjoyed it best listening to it as a whole. Although I would say that Doug Liman's last film Mr & Mrs Smith had a much better score from Powell as I found all the cues from that soundtrack were outstanding and I'd put it as one of Powell's best scores.

Saturday, 12 April 2008


I went to this film expecting loads of action, an awesome story and some cool powers that I wish I had. But I came out slightly disapointed. It was kind of like when you record a film off the television. You get drawn into the story as the film progresses and just as it gets to the climax it stops because it hasn't recorded the end of the film, you get really pissed off and go away disapointed. Thats what I felt like with Jumper. It felt like it needed an extra 30 minutes on the end. But on the other hand I'm sure we'll get another hour and 30 minutes instead, since Hollywood seems to be bringing out sequels of everything recently.

I'd be pretty happy with a sequel though because overall it was a pretty awesome film. Although after watching Star Wars Episode II & III, I couldn't figure out whether I didn't like Hayden Christensen or whether it was just the films themselves. I now see that it was Hayden Christensen that I didn't really like.

However, I think I can forgive the slightly poor acting of Christensen because the directing was absolutely out of this world. Doug Liman has done an excellent job of bringing this story to the screen. The jumping was incredible and it totally looked real (apart form one time when Christensen jumped over to the fridge, but that was his fault). I can't wait for the DVD so I might get some insight into how it was filmed because there are sequences when they are fighting and jumping simultaniously and my God they are good.

I kind of have mixed feelings about this film. But I think it is safe to say that the good out way the bad. Plus its got Samuel L. Jackson in it and he is definitly cool. I'd recommend it to anyone who loves action films, just don't say I didn't warn you though when your disapointed by the ending.